Changing the Landscape

The WRCC is a non-profit dedicated to moving forward the opportunities and culture of our sport for female coaches and athletes.

Women’s comprehensive and holistic approach to the athlete is leading the new coaching philosophy.  Women’s strengths and uniquenesses, creating connections holistically across the athletes improves their performance and lives

Our Vision: We envision a future where women’s comprehensive, holistic approach to coaching the ‘whole athlete’ enables the culture where athletes win medals within a healthy, positive, win-for-life culture …. is the way to coach

Our Mission

The WRCC exists to amplify the power women coaches bring to track, field and distance running.

As a collective, we are leaders in a new model that understands women coaches are vital to navigate female & male athletes’ differences, and coach them accordingly.

WRCC is the resource for female coaches and coaches who coach female athletes and leading this new coaching philosophy.

 “Women Coaches matter for variety of reasons. Research shows that same sex role models positively influence self-perceptions. They challenge stereotypes about gender and leadership and offer diverse perspectives, insight and advice to their athletes”

– Nicole LaVoi/Director for the Tucker Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sport

Our History