Conversations in Coaching #1 - Coach Christina Whitney

​Check out the first in a series of Women’s Running Coaches Collective interviews on video, “Conversations on Coaching” with Resolute Track Club founder and hurdle/sprint coach extraordinaire, Christina Whitney. Great advice on coaching T & F, being a female coach, and how to “Ignite the Fire” in your athletes! (5/11/2020)

Conversations in Coaching #2 - Tania Fischer - Part 1 & 2

Coach Tania Fischer was a successful age group, college, and professional runner. In 1996 she qualified for the Olympic Trials 5000m with a time of 15:33. Tania later went on to co-found The Janes Running Club as both a runner and their coach. She currently holds the had coaching position for both boys and girls in XC and Track and Field at Santa Monica HS. Tania talks about her early days in So Cal as a top age group runner, her two years running in Germany under the government system, and her transition to head coach at Santa Monica HS. Her story is fascinating and informative about coaching, being a leader, and her experiences as an elite runner. – Charlotte Richardson, 5/31/2020

Changing the Landscape, an interview with Charlotte Richardson, Melissa Hill, and Laura Caldwell

WRCC founders Charlotte Lettis Richardson and Melissa Hill along with member Laura Caldwell take us through how we can encourage and recruit more women to the coaching ranks in this WRCC interview. (6/23/2020)

Leadership in Coaching - Part 1 & 2

Two life long women runners, who are also Nike executives, talk with WRCC founder Charlotte Richardson about leadership and how important it is for successful coaching. Being a strong leader, having a vision, and communicating that vision to your team and staff will help make your team more cohesive and successful. This interview offers useful and important information for successful leadership in coaching. (6/28-29/2020)